What Is the Significance of Valentine’s Day Flowers?

Valentine’s Day can be traced back to the 3 rd Century in Rome where the Romans executed a priest who was named Valentinus. Due to his religious prosecution, he became to be known as Saint Valentine, which led to the celebration of Valentine’s Day. The first references to Valentine’s Day took place during the 14 th and 15 th Centuries in England. Mid-February was associated with the start of the season when birds would look for suitable mates. The English modified the celebration of Saint Valentine to alter Valentine’s Day by sending love letters to each other in Mid-February in hopes of finding a suitable spouse. When men wrote their love letters and sent them, they started sending flowers with their letters. Flowers in vibrant reds, pinks, and whites were often sent. Some men even sent flowers anonymously with a secret note attached. The note asked, “Will you be me Valentine?” The tradition of sending your beloved Valentine’s Day flowers is still immense...